The Parkhurst State School Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) meets in Zone 21 on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
We endeavour to keep meetings to a maximum of one and a half hours.
All parents and interested community members are welcome to attend. Each year, our P&C’s commit to major projects and the assistance of parents and carers is always sought to achieve our goals and priorities.
Membership Application Form
2023 PSS P&C Membership Form.pdf
Our tuckshop operates Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and raises funds to help with on going projects. If you are able to assist, even for half an hour, please contact our convenor at the tuckshop. Flexischools is the preferred system for online ordering.
TuckShop Menu Term 3 2023.jpg
Our P&C conduct Friday Night Raffles at the Parkhurst Tavern on a fortnightly basis. These raffles continue to raise substantial funds to support the education of all students.
2023 Meetings
Term 1
Tuesday February 07th 2023
2022 PSS Principals P&C Report 07.02.2023.pdf
Tuesday March 07th 2023 (Includes Annual General Meeting)
2023 PSS Principals P&C Report 07.03.2023.pdf
AGM Minutes 2023.pdf
Term 2
Tuesday May 09th 2023